Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Polyamory and Marriage

I found this post rather interesting. It does a nice job in pointing out why same-sex marriage and polyamorous/polygamous marriage are two separate issues and there is no slippery slope from the former to the latter. The most interesting aspect is that the writer discloses that his/her living arrangement could be considered a polyamorous marriage.


At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found the blogging about polyandry quite interesting (especially how many people "fessed up" to being in an unusal relationship, with more than two people involved). I also wonder where these people are, and how they have all found their way to this blog.

I also read another thread on that blog, the one about prenatal testing, Down syndrome, and abortion. Why is it that I can't avoid topics relating to my work even when I'm away from work? (I guess it means I've found my niche/lifework?) I thought about posting something since I have some strong opinions (and was outraged by some misleading comments and incorrect info posted), and I am still considering it. But part of me wonders if the folks who read and post on this blog just want to philosophize and aren't really interested in the "real life" cases, or things that I have to say.

One of the reasons I chose to read that particular thread was because of its applicability to a current patient situation I am dealing with at work: either tomorrow or the day after, I am going to be calling a patient with results from her amniocentesis, results which I believe are going to show that her baby has Down syndrome. This is my second time calling out "bad" news as a genetic counselor (my third time, if you include the patient I called while a student), and it gets me worked up every time. As it should.

If I were to start feeling completely detached from patients (which I don't see as ever being possible), then I will have lost touch with my job and should change careers. The difficulty is finding a balance between caring about patients and being able to detach enough to not take it home and have it interfere with life outside of work. I'm still struggling with this, and hope that with time, I'll be able to separate work life from home life. At least to the point that I don't lose sleep at night or blabber on and on about patients to Michael. He hears quite a lot, that patient, understanding man. ;)


At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, I meant to write "that" blog (meaning the one Michael had linked to, not "this" blog, meaning Michael's)!


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