Tuesday, April 12, 2005

More Fun With Surveys

I just saw this story on CNN.com about a Gallup poll concerning the airline industry. The survey shows 75% of respondents are happy with the job airlines are doing. That sounds like a really good result for the industry until you consider that only 55% of those respondents (577/1040) have flown in the past 12 months. Sure, it'd be easy for me to think the airlines were doing fine if I hadn't flown recently. Delays. Lost luggage. Delays. Rude service. Delays. No amenities. Oh, and did I mention the delays? On a recent trip from Chicago to Burlington, VT, I arrived at O'Hare at about 2:30 PM Sunday afternoon. After multiple delays, reroutings, and missed connections, I rented a car at La Guardia and drove the rest of the way home, arriving at 2:30 AM Tuesday morning. 36 hours, 17 of which was spent waiting in various airports. If I had driven from the beginning, I could have made a round-trip and had a full night's sleep in the middle. And someone I was travelling with did not get his luggage for nearly a week afterwards. Everyone I know who has flown recently has had at least one bad experience. I would venture to guess that the 25% that were not happy (260 respondents) were almost all in the 55% that had flown in the past 12 months. If so, that makes 45% of respondents who had flown in the past 12 months were not happy with the job the airlines are doing. That sounds about right to me.


At 3:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh. I wouldn't say that I've flown a lot over the past year, but the times I have, I haven't had a problem that could have been avoidable. Sure, weather delays irk me, but you really can't blame the airline industry for that.

Then again, I almost always fly American. I've generally been happy with the way they fly and have had few problems. Other airlines are definitely worse. We'll see how Southwest handles me next month...

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I counted up the number of airline trips I have taken in the past seven months (9) which is 16 separate trips, many of which have included connections in Philly or D.C. I have been irked beyond typical plane trip irkiness during MOST if not all of those trips. I definitely have noticed a decline in the timeliness of flights in the past year, regardless of weather. I also have experienced so-so customer service, but I can't blame airline personnel for that. I would want to tell people to shove it if I worked for the airline industry today.

At 8:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. I should have indicated that two of those trips were one-way (thus 16 trips and not 18). I promise my math skills are not that bad!

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Christina said...

Dude, we need a new post!


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