I found this thread on Slashdot, where conspiracy theories are not uncommon. But it links to several outside sources, like this one.
Here's the gist: The National Republican Congressional Committee have been placing automated calls to people who live in areas of competitive races for tomorrow's midterms. First, the automated calls to people on do-not-call lists are illegal in New Hampshire and other states. So the NRCC is blatantly ignoring state laws in their phone campaign, claiming that, as a national entity, the NRCC is not bound by state laws.
So the NRCC is harrassing people on do-not-call registries in arguably illegal ways. Here's the twist, of which only the NRCC is capable: The recordings at first give the callee the impression that they are coming from Democrats! In the New Hampshire calls, the first words are, "Hello. I'm calling with information about [Democratic candidate] Paul Hodes." If you hang up at this point, your number will be dialed again later. So it appears that Paul Hodes's campaign is harrassing potential voters. You only learn that this message is from the NRCC at the end of the recorded message!
Sneaky, vicious, immoral, and potentially illegal. The National Republican Campaign Committee at work.
Dude, thanks for that information. I'm up in NH and have my own issues with some Republicans (and a few faux Democrats of the NAACP).
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