Thursday, June 16, 2005

Thanks Bernie

After I leave Vermont, one of the things that I will look back on with pride is that I had the privilege of voting to have Bernie Sanders as my representative in the House. For those of you who don't know Bernie, you can read more about him at his website. He is an Independent from Middlebury, VT, with a strong progressive background. Progressive tax reform for the protection of the middle and lower classes, sound environmental policies based on science, solid funding of education, equality regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation, worker's rights, and national health care, are typically his highest priority issues.

So I am offering my thanks to Bernie for the work he has done in getting Congress to reduce the powers given by the Patriot Act. This particular vote was to restrict the ability of the FBI to search library and bookstore records. Bernie was quoted as saying this vote would help "rein in an administration intent on chipping away at the very civil liberties that define us as a nation."

So, thanks, Bernie!


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